I have finally reached perfection of eyeliner .
Many years have been spent doing it wrong and relying on three varieties of eye-makeup:
1. Eyeshadow all over eyelid and along lower lash line
2. Eyeliner on the inner rim
3. Both.
But those years are over! Somebody finally got through to me! That person was Merriam of Miss Vintage. Under the ‘Icons of Style’ section, there is a guide to Audrey Hepburn’s make-up. It is excellent, very detailed, and even without photographs it made perfect sense. I tried out the eyeliner yesterday and managed to reproduce it today. Mine isn’t quite as flicky because I am scared of flicks and I am crap at drawing a line so I’ve smudged it with glittery grey eyeshadow (Bourjois Little Round Pot Eyeshadow in ‘Gris pailletté’ 92).
I am still in awe that it works and it looks good! I am going to try different colour eyeshadows on top of the eyeliner too. It’s an eyeliner pen (Maxfactor) and stays wet for quite a long time so if you press eyeshadow on top it sticks really well.
Until recently, I only wore plum eyeliner from a stick. The effect was very subtle and natural. Last week, though, I bought black gel eyeliner and a proper brush from Prescriptives. I was surprised how much easier it was to put on with a good brush (my previous super-cheap brush looks ridiculous in comparison). Now I’m not scared of going for a more dramatic look.
I am addicted to the dramatic looks, and only after three days! I had seriously flicked-out Amy Winehouse-meets-goth eyeliner today.