Yay! It is now officially socially acceptable for me to dress the way I do!
Unfortunately, the odd looks will resume on Thursday. ‘Til then, I am trying to make the most of it by going to two Halloween events. Tonight I am planning to go to the Students’ Union…and tomorrow I am intending to do the same!
My wings are coming along alright, they’re better than I expected them to be knowing my clumsy craft skills, but not as good as I imagined they should be. I’ve basically chopped up a purple feather boa and added a few more feathers in red and black and pink so that it’s not all purple. But it is mostly purple.
If you haven’t already got a party to go to tomorrow, I have a few suggestions for you!
1. If you’re in London, go to Swap-a-rama Razzmatazz‘s Halloween Swap Or Die (discovered via Daily Candy). It’s a clothes-swap party themed to the occasion and I imagine some quite monstrous outfits will result from the proceedings!
2. If you are not in London you just might be in a country where you can actually buy Pocky locally, in which case you can make ordinarily-delicious desserts spooky a la Not Martha at design*sponge. I think it’s a much more sensible idea than buying themed cakes and biscuits from the supermarket, which are invariably rank.
3. Now that the Buffy Sing-Along tour has been cancelled (Woe! I was so hoping for it to arrive on these shores soon!), the only option left for Buffy fans is to invite all our friends over, turn up the volume, and annoy the neighbours. I think October 31st is the perfect time to hold such an event, and if I was not otherwise occupied, I would run out, buy the DVD and do it! My parents are getting a new TV tomorrow (for free! Yay for winning raffles!) as well, so the temptation is definitely there! The team behind the event have produced a DIY kit to help your mini sing-along go with a bang (literaly – there are party poppers in the kit), but most of the items can be bought from any party shop, if you fear postage from the US!
4. Buy yourself a Halloween present, or make yourself a costume, just to wear around the house! I’ve been wearing costumes just to amuse myself for years. Once I wore wings everyday for what was probably at least a week, and my shoulders felt really strange when I’d taken them off, like they were still there in spirit!
Now I’m off to glue on some more feathers, and don my tiara.
I found the most fabulous dress for this year’s Halloween way back in July. I finally get to wear it at our annual Halloween party, which this year will be held on the 2nd Nov. Can’t wait! I’ll probably be posting photos on Saturday, if you want to pop by and check them out then. I have a feeling that this dress would be right up your street!
Oh, and I love the idea of a Buffy sing-a-long. I so miss that show!!!
Ooh! I can’t wait to see it 🙂 Buffy has left a gap in my television-heart that can never be filled. Even with DVDs and sing-a-longs, but at least I can try!
I didn’t actually end up with any photos of myself on my camera, but there are some photos from the aprty posted here is you want to see. I’m in photos 9 and 22. We all look ridiculous, but a lot of fun was had by all!