This is a public service announcment for all those in the Northern Hemisphere who love to charity shop, but also for those who love the idea of charity shopping, particularly those who have never had much success when they try it.
If you dream of owning a collection of delightfully light, sleeveless, summer dresses, an array of floral floaty skirts, or just one fantastically funky pair of shorts, you need to visit your local charity shops ASAP.
The sun has been peeking out from behind the clouds more often. Coats are almost unneccessary, so we’ve put all the good coats we had into black bags and stuffed them into cupboards. Cupboards that previously contained bags and bags of clothes for summer. All the nicest items that were left over from last year were put away once it got too cold for customers to be interested in them, and we’ve been storing all the summer clothing donations we’ve received all winter, so we would be ready for now.
We have half a rack of the types of pretty summer dresses that I used to search for, and never find, in June and July. All the loveliest items are going to go fast – in a couple of weeks the stored-up stock will all have gone and we’ll just be putting out donations as they come in.
Don’t wait until you crave these things, plan ahead, pretend it’s a bit warmer, and by the time summer actually arrives you’ll have a brilliant bargain wardrobe.
This post really makes me want to go thrifting… And really makes me wish I could put away my winter coat! It's still gusty and (sometimes) snowy here! Where is spring?!
P.S. I nominated you for a blogging award =).
Thanks Nicki!