lipsticks. I’ve been trying to use up these two for about ten
Recently I’ve been going through the Oxfam fashion blog archives. My favourite posts so far are the DIY posts. I love this customised blazer – using a patch from a shoe – and the idea of using buttons to embellish knitwear.
Game of Thrones fashion ideas! I have been longing for a dragon ear cuff for months now and this article has made me want one even more. Just imagine, wearing a totally ordinary non-alternative outfit…with a dragon ear cuff. It would be awesome.
It’s far too early to be thinking about this, but maybe I’ll forgo the chocolate this year in favour of the Boots Beauty Advent Calendar.
If you live in London and are aged between 16 and 24, check out the V&A fashion festival, it’s free!
A GEEK Against Gok is a really interesting post about what really happened when its author, Zoe Burgess, went on Gok’s Style Secrets. Although it’s not that surprising to find out how her story was manipulated for television, it’s a shame that the producers felt that the truth wasn’t exciting enough and tried to portray her interests and hobbies as freakish and unattractive. (via @thefworduk)
I enjoyed reading the comments on Have you ever been in trouble at work because of your makeup?, a recent weekly feature/open thread at Temptalia, though I’ve never been in trouble for wearing makeup at work. As much as I love bold, sparkly eyeshadow and bright lipstick, I’m not going to wear them when it’s not appropriate!
On that note, I’d never wear this glitter dandruff look for work, but I would definitely try it for a big night out, though I’m not it would be as cute in my dark brown hair. Maybe it’s for pastelheads only. I also loved this article about matching your makeup to your clothes, which is something I am obsessed with. I feel so much better when my colours are co-ordinated and my outfit has a theme.