Today’s post is about that cincher of waists, that holder-upper of trousers, the humble belt! This one is especially humble, because it was quite clearly not just cheap when I got it! It must have been cheap originally as well.
It looks pretty good, until you get up close…
I keep snipping off those white threads but more inevitably rise up to take their place. There’s also a flappy bit of plastic in the loop, it looks like it was once glued to the inside but has now come loose.
Yet I really, really love the style of this belt! It’s so much fun to wear and it goes perfectly with so many dresses. I’m torn as to whether to try to save it, by painstakingly sewing embroidery thread around the edges so the threads can’t make a bid for freedom, or to give up and buy a better quality belt.
My wardrobe is bursting with clothes and I can’t fit any more books on my shelves, so I have been trying to avoid charity shops lately – but whenever I find a good excuse to go in anyway, I always check the belt selection in case there’s anything similar for sale. I’m yet to get lucky, but that’s the magic of thrifting – you never know when you’ll happen upon the perfect thing.
What do you think I should do? Let me know in the comments. ‘Both’, and ‘just keep looking’ are option…