I was tempted to put together a totally purple outfit but that would be a bit obvious, plus I don’t actually wear completely purple outfits very often (because I only have one of some types of clothing in purple so they don’t all go together) so I decided to find a real picture from the archives instead! This is the outfit I wore to my BA graduation ceremony, a whopping four years ago this year, but my style is pretty static – I just add new obsessions and never really discard past loves. I cropped my head out because my facial expression was not the greatest.
There are four things about this outfit that make it typically me:
1. The purple (duh)
2. The matchy-matchyness – the shirt matches the tights and the purple on the jewellery
3. The smartness with a touch of gothiness – CorpGoth is basically my default style. If I am in doubt regarding what to wear for an occasion, I CorpGoth it up.
4. The inclusion of a bright pink item. Usually it’s lipstick but here I believe it was lipstick + bag. I love that bag but it’s starting to tear. Pleather, you break my heart.