I have decided to start sharing the highlights of my outfits each week on the blog. Unfortunately, I only decided to do this on Thursday. Sunday is official designated “Ugly Day”, the day when I wear my glasses (I got them back when I was in school, and they never suited me) and have two-day-dirty hair.
So I only have the three outfits from Thursday until yesterday and I am going to share them all!
1. Thursday
Skirt from H&M
Jumper also from H&M (I used to be a H&M fiend)
The shirt I’m wearing under the jumper is also from H&M but you can’t see it
Tights are navy blue school tights I’ve had since I was 13 or 14
Watch is a gift, I’ve had it about twelve years – every other I’ve had has fallen off my wrist or been uncomfortable
Assorted bracelets all from Dorothy Perkins (never buying any more jewellery from there, it may be cheap but it falls apart very quickly)
Hair from my head and Reincarnate shampoo from Lush. My hair is wavy because I had it piled up in a bun thing overnight.

Jumper from Dorothy Perkins (actually, what I said about jewellery is rubbish, as I have actually sworn never to buy anything from Dorothy Perkins again – I did this last year after this jumper started to bobble ridiculously.)
Violently purple tights from M&S (they’re really bright, the lighting was terrible. M&S have some fantastic tights in at the moment. So comfortable and such great colours)
Necklace from ‘My Little Jewelry Shop’
Badges by MyMy and uni open day
Hair as before
Okay, this is just jeans, top and tiara, but what I really want you to notice is my hair.

Tiara from charity shop
Necklace (barely visible) Edinburgh Winter Market 2005
Hair from awesome